How to Take Boudoir Photos For Your Man

June 05, 2018

How to Take Boudoir Photos For Your Man

Are you curious about boudoir photos? Perhaps you’ve seen the term floating around some wedding blogs, but you’re still not sure exactly what boudoir photos are? In this post, we’ll not only give you the 411 on boudoir photos, but we will also give you our best tips for taking sexy and tasteful boudoir photos that will knock your man’s socks off.

What Are Boudoir Photos?How to Take Boudoir Photos For Your Man


“Boudoir” is aFrench term from the late 1700s that would refer to a woman’s sitting room or private bedroom. As you can imagine, this type of room can conjure all kinds of ideas about what woman may be wearing in the privacy of her own room—abarely-there lace robe orsexy lingerie sets are two thoughts that can come to mind. Thus, boudoir photography has recently grown in popularity—a type of romantic, sensual, and even voyeuristic photography that features a woman ingorgeous lingerie posing scantily clad for her man, who is to receive the NSFW photos at a later date.

Many women like to do boudoir photography shoots for their husbands-to-be to receive on their wedding day. Another popular option is to give boudoir photos as a Valentine’s Day gift. But, truly, you don’t need a special occasion to spice up your love life with some tastefully photographed boudoir shots. The key with boudoir is that the nudity is moreso implied than explicit—these images are soft and classy, reflecting you in your best light.

What You Need for Boudoir Photos

How to Take Boudoir Photos For Your Man

Ready to get in front of the lens for some hot shots? First, you’ll need to make sure you have everything ready. There are a few things you might want to check off your list before you hire a photographer. For boudoir photos, think first about a theme you might want for the set of images. Some women like to do the pin-up look, others like going glam—whatever your sexy style is, think about the accessories, props, and attire you might need to pull it off.

Sexy Lingerie

If you’re taking boudoir photos as a wedding gift for your future husband,white bridal lingerie will serve you well. If you want your boudoir photos to cover a variety of purposes, you can’t go wrong with any of thesebustiers,gowns and robes, andleg-lengthening hosiery. Remember, you’ll want to get a variety of shots and poses, so having extra looks on-hand will give you all the ammunition you need for killer boudoir photos. Don’t be shy to get amatching pair of heels or boots to complete your outfits—it’s the details that really shine, so consider putting on any jewelry your guy has purchased for you, too.

Hair and Makeup

Even with the best lingerie looks, you’re still not ready for the lens until your hair and makeup is done. Remember that, even if you are trying to keep your look subtle, the more makeup the better when it comes to photography. What looks like an intense beauty look in the mirror can actually be captured very beautifully on-camera, so don’t be afraid to swipe on a bold lip, shade in a seductive smokey eye, and add loads of extra volume to your hair. It’s not uncommon for women to pay hair and makeup artists if their own beautifying skills aren’t so great.

Location and Props

Lastly, you need to decide on a location and any additional props that may go with the theme of your boudoir shoot. If you are going for apin-up look, for example, a cute old-fashioned phone or retro microphone can make for some great themed images. You may also want to sport a vintage umbrella or other fun props.

As for the location, if you hire a photographer, boudoir photographers usually have studios of their own where they like to conduct the shoots—think couches and drapery. However, if you have a stylish bedroom, you could easily have the boudoir shoot in your own room for an extra authentic set of photos.

Sexy Boudoir Poses To Try

How to Take Boudoir Photos For Your Man

Alright, now that your look is all figured out, it’s time to move into the actual shoot details. If you don’t have any experience doing sexy poses, you might feel a little awkward at first. Remember that if you hire a photographer, it’s that person’s job to make you feel at ease and to guide you through the boudoir shoot. Even if you plan on using a photographer’s posing suggestions, it’s smart to practice some poses in the mirror beforehand to get more comfortable in front of the lens so you can really nail your shots!

The more confidence you have in your posing, the better, so try some of these sexy boudoir poses. We also lovethese pose ideas.

  • Arched back
  • Twisted torso
  • Leg lifts
  • Lying on bed back or stomach down
  • Posing in front of mirror for all the angles

Make a Boudoir Album

Since you will probably have a lot of images you fall in love with (and lots of lingerie outfits you want to show-off), the best way to gift your boudoir photos is in a beautifully bound album. This way, your husband or significant other can flip through your fiery photos anytime he wants to remember just how lucky he really is. Remember, your boudoir photos should encapsulate your personality and your relationship as a couple, so keep that in mind when wondering what theme to do or which outfits to wear—whatever feels right to you is what you should do!

For all your boudoir lingerie and bridal lingerie needs, don’t forget to check out our offerings for a wide selection ofultra-sexy boudoir outfits.

Jennifer Tiemeyer
Jennifer Tiemeyer

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