Lingerie Party Ideas & Tips to Treat Your Bride-to-Be BFF

September 11, 2018

Lingerie Party Ideas & Tips to Treat Your Bride-to-Be BFF

Wedding season is full of festivities, but one of the lesser talked-about affairs is the lingerie party. These parties are a blast when you get all the bride’s best babes together for an evening of naughty-and-nice fun. This article will go over everything you need to know to throw a lingerie party the boys will wish they were invited to. Here’s how to shower your bride-to-be bestie with a lingerie extravaganza.

What is a Lingerie Party?

Lingerie Party Ideas & Tips to Treat Your Bride-to-Be BFF

Lingerie parties, also known as lingerie showers, are get-togethers in which the guests are asked to gift the bride some sweet intimates before her big day. The idea is to build up the bride’s lingerie collection for her husband-to-be, so that when the two consummate their marriage, there will be lots of fun to be had on the wedding night, on the honeymoon, and during their happily-ever-after. Additionally, the bride can use her newfound frills in an upcomingboudoir shoot for her man if she wants to give him something special on their wedding day.

The fun of the lingerie party is watching the bride open her NSFW gifts, but the party can easily lose its sparkle if you don’t plan it well.


Lingerie Party Ideas

Lingerie Party Ideas & Tips to Treat Your Bride-to-Be BFF

There are certain details every lingerie party covers, but you can personalize the party for the bride-to-be using some of the below suggestions.


Find a Good Venue

It’s important to think about who will be hosting the lingerie party and where it will be held. Obviously, some public places will have some qualms about a bunch of girls waving lingerie in the air. Plus, you’ll want it to be held in a venue that makes the bride and all her friends feel 100% comfortable. Intimates are, well, an intimate subject, so be keen to keep your bride’s personality in mind when choosing a lingerie party spot. Some great places to host a lingerie party could be:

  • The maid-of-honor’s home
  • The bride’s home
  • A lingerie store
  • A hotel room or vacation rental

Decorate Like a Diva

Don’t forget—this is a party! Make the occasion more festive by incorporating a fun theme. There are all kinds of creative DIY decorations on Etsy, so you should have no problem getting the venue decorated to the theme.

Theme ideas:

  • Kate Spade
  • Slumber Party
  • Angels vs. Devils
  • Tropic Like It’s Hot
  • Sporty Spice
  • Wig Party (like role-playing with your girlfriends!)

Set the mood:

  • Create a bra-and-panty garland to hang
  • Getcheeky cookies or cupcakes
  • Have a cocktail of the night, such as “Sex on the Beach” or another innuendo
  • Curate a scandalous soundtrack (or justuse this playlist)
  • Bachelorette games

Lingerie Party Tips: Must-Do’s and No-No’s

Lingerie Party ideas & tips to Treat Your Bride-to-Be BFF3

Once you’ve got the logistics of throwing the party figured out, it’s time to start thinking about the details that can make or break a lingerie shower. Here are some important things to keep in mind when throwing a lingerie party for your friend to ensure all goes smoothly and she has the best time ever.

Don’t…Post photos. Respect your gal pal’s privacy and understand she may not want photos of her holding sexy lingerie circulating the web. You can, however, take private photos that you’ll only share with the group. Just be mindful of your bride’s preferences—you know what she would and wouldn’t like.

Do…Ask if her close female family members want to join. Though a little uncomfortable, it is rude to leave out the bride’s family, especially if she and her mom or sister are extremely close.

Don’t…Assume the bride-to-be has the lingerie basics covered. Sometimes, the best kind of new lingerie is the kind you can wear on the regular. Review the types of lingerie every woman should own if you need a little inspiration.

Do…Snoop around to learn which types of lingerie she likes and dislikes. There are manytypes of lingerie out there, and you’d hate for everyone to buy her pieces she would never wear. Consider bringing her to a lingerie shop and browsing, or asking her fiance if she has any preferences. When in doubt, white always wins.

Do…Keep track of who gifted what. The bride will probably want to send Thank You cards.

Don’t… Pressure her to try on the lingerie in front of everyone. If she wants to give you a fashion show, she will. But if your friend is typically shy, don’t make her uncomfortable.

Don’t… Forget thatbedroom accessories are fair game, too! These fun trinkets are the kind of item someone wouldn’t usually buy for his or herself, so it’s a playful way to help your friend branch out in the bedroom. Besides, how could you pass upedible panties?

Do…Have fun! A lingerie party is supposed to be light-hearted and fun—don’t stress too much about making sure everything is perfect. As long as you keep your bride in mind when planning, she should have a wonderful time.

Start shopping for your bride-to-be BFF andview bridal lingerie here. Or, get some inspiration first fromInstagram’s hottest lingerie influencers.

Oh ya, we saved the best for last. For you diligent readers after you choose your sexy comfortable lingerie, use the promo code "DIVA-BLOG15" to receive 15% off your entire order over $25 EUR. *Limit only 1 per customer.

Jennifer Tiemeyer
Jennifer Tiemeyer

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