aysunpijama - aysunpijama Blog 2024-04-18T16:01:08-05:00 aysunpijama 2023-07-29T08:52:11-05:00 2024-01-25T15:17:02-06:00 6 Foolproof Ways to Woo Your Spouse or Significant Other Marisa Wilson woo your significant other


If you're reading this, chances are you want to impress your significant other and find new ways to keep the romance alive. Well, you've come to the right place! In this post, we'll discuss some simple but effective ways to show your partner you care. Sometimes, the little things make the most significant impact on a relationship, so let's dive in and discover ways to woo your significant other!

1.  Listening to Your Significant Other

Listen to your partner

There is a massive difference between listening to have a meaningful conversation and simply listening to respond. Of course, you want to be thinking about what you want to say, but you're not as sneaky as you think! No matter who you're talking to, if you don't want to be a part of the conversation, they will pick up on that.

If you don't want your partner to feel like they're talking to a cashier exchanging pleasantries, then actively listen to what they say. A great way to show your engagement in the conversation is by thinking about a question you can ask so they can elaborate further. If they're talking about how bad their day is, ask why and repeat some of the information they tell you with your response.

For example, "They were upset you were late? Why do they let John get away with it all the time when your the responsible one?" This can also be helpful in arguments. The other person will likely solve the problem with you if you repeat their side of the argument to show that you have considered their point of view. It will go a long way when you present your point of view.


Practice listening with these sexy games for couples!

2. Don’t Forget and Don’t Be Basic

Thoughtful gifts for significant other

It's 2023, and there is no reason to "forget" anything. If your person's birthday or anniversary is coming up, and you always forget, mark a notification on your calendar the day or week before. This way, you are never caught making the other person feel unimportant. Aside from reminders, you can also use your notes app on your phone to plan future gifts. You can always tell a well-thought-out gift compared to some flowers from Walmart.

A great way to prepare for gifts is to listen. Yes, it all comes back to paying attention to the other person! Next time you hear them talking about something they would love to buy but can't bring themself to make the purchase add it to your note app! When a special occasion pops up, you will have a custom list for your partner that isn't the same list posted on every Google page.

If your partner is raving about this new pair of shoes, make a note and get the shoe. Bonus points if it's a few weeks after they mention it. It will make them feel special and woo them with your superhuman ability to pay attention to those little details. So skip the basic Hallmark card and get them a unique gift on special occasions you no longer "forget." 


Give them a sexy gift they will always remember!

3. Share Hobbies From Time to Time

show your partner you care

Everyone has something they like to do, but others would rather avoid it at all costs. If your partner has an interest or hobby you don't like, try it anyway! They will feel special if they see you trying to learn more about the thing they love that you find tedious or complex. If your partner is interested in video games, but you hate them, why not give it a try? You could enjoy a great new world together.

You could learn how to beat them at a race game. If your significant other loves art, but you don't know where to start, then ask them to show you! They'll be excited to share their favorite hobby with you, and it will show them that you are interested in spending time together. Still not interested in working together on their hobby?

You can ask questions and let them explain them to you. When you ask passionate people questions about their interests, it helps inspire them and spark a good conversation. Are they interested in sports? Ask them which was their favorite game and why. It is the little things that have a massive impact.


If your lover is artistic try these body paints!

4. Be Respectful and Polite

tips for couples

Say please and thank you. It's easy to do, don't be an animal except in the bedroom. Say please if you need them to run to the store for you or wash dishes. Say, thank you when they do something nice, regardless of how small. Did they pick up something you dropped or tell you that you look nice today? Say, thank you. Having manners shows the other person that you respect them enough to use them.

Have you ever sat down on a date and the other person was smacking their food or scrapping the dinner plate? It's annoying, right? Being with your partner for a while doesn't give you the excuse to relax good manners to the point of being rude. It's one small way to show that you still care what they think and to show them respect.

Another way to show them that you care is not to interrupt them when they're talking and don't hold your phone in front of your face when they do. No one likes to talk to someone's forehead, and you can look at your phone after they finish the conversation. No text is more important than the one you love who is talking to you.


Give your partner your full attention with a sexy outfit!

5. Take Care of Yourself, and Don’t Be a Yeti


Just because you've been together years doesn't mean you should live in hoodies and skip a shower. Putting extra effort into your hygiene and style can show that you want to look nice for your partner. Everyone dresses up when they go out, but why not dress up at home occasionally just for your significant other?

Imagine washing dishes with simple makeup on and being told you look beautiful. Or when you take out the trash, your hair is styled excellently, and you're told you look handsome? If you look and feel good, it'll make your partner see how happy you are with them and that you want to look good not only for yourself but for them too.

This can be applied to sexy plans as well. If you know you're having intimate time later, take 20 minutes to shower and shave at least. It will make you feel more comfortable, and they'll feel special knowing you went through the trouble to look good just for them. If you want to be extra, find a sexy outfit to surprise them with or a sexy lingerie set in their favorite color!


Get ready for the best night ever with these sexy lingerie sets for men and women!

6. Never Stop Dating

never stop dating

Everyone says never to stop dating your significant other, but what does that mean? Simply put, you should go out and live a little. At least once a month, go on a date: no friends, kids, or anyone else. See a movie or go out to dinner. Dates don't have to be expensive, and many great ideas exist for date night. The point and date night is to work on your relationship and have fun.

It's one or two hours where you're not a mom or dad or talking about work, and the house is in chaos. It's 2 hours just for you and your significant other to talk, spend time together, and have a good time because when you make time for the other person, they feel special, bringing you closer together.

Don't let work and the constant duties of Parenthood keep you stretched thin and not be able to enjoy your significant other having good communication and spending quality time together can improve your overall family life as well, so think of the date as a bonus not only for yourself in your relationship but for your family as a whole.


Add some spice to date night with costumes!

The Takeaway

how to woo your partner

The most important thing to remember is to listen to your spouse and partner and try to understand their point of view. Sometimes it's hard being on the receiving end of a relationship, so finding the time to listen can go a long way toward helping strengthen your bond.

If you're feeling lost, start by changing one thing at a time, like making more eye contact or paying more attention to what they're saying. Small changes make the most difference overall! Even though it may seem like a "no-brainer," many of us forget to show our partners (or spouses) how much we genuinely love and care about them.

But these small gestures can go a long way, and improving any relationship is always possible if you put in the effort. The truth is that love doesn't just magically happen—it's a choice we must actively work to foster daily. And these steps will help you make it happen.

Shop the best lingerie sets for everyone here!

]]> 2023-06-07T14:24:01-05:00 2024-01-25T15:18:38-06:00 How to Increase Your Confidence in the Bedroom Marisa Wilson Confidence in the bedroom

Confidence is sexy. There's no doubt about it. And it's no secret that confidence is a huge factor in the bedroom. But what if you're not feeling particularly confident? Well, here are some tips that might help you get there.

First, it's important to remember that everyone feels insecure sometimes. It's perfectly normal. But if your insecurity is starting to hold you back from enjoying sex, it's time to take some steps to boost your confidence. Let’s take a look at some of the things you can do to get there.

Break Free From Comparing Yourself to Others

Cupless Halter Bra


Comparing yourself to others is a common habit that can hurt your self-esteem. When you compare yourself to others, you are essentially judging yourself based on their standards. This can lead you to feel insecure.

It is important to remember that everyone is different. We have our unique strengths and weaknesses. What may be easy for one person may be difficult for another. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your personal growth and development.

Set goals for yourself and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. It is also important to remember that social media can be a breeding ground for comparison. When you see people constantly posting about their successes, it can be easy to feel like you are not doing enough. People only post the things that they want you to see. They are not going to post about their failures or their struggles.

Check out this sexy collection! 

Embrace Your Body: Let Go of Self-Criticism and Love Yourself

Floral Desire Bra, G-String and Garter Set 

When it comes to your body, it's important to remember that you only have control over your own. No one else can make changes to your body and even if they did, those changes would still be a part of who you are.

Your physical appearance is just a tool (like your hands or feet) that helps you do things in life: it helps with communicating with others and moving through space in the world. It's no more or less important than any other tool we use every day!

Like any other tool, our bodies will always be works in progress; no one ever has perfect ones at all times. However, this does not mean that we should stop trying new things with them because there will always be room for improvement!

There are always ways for us as individuals to improve ourselves whether it's through exercise or dieting (or both). And even though these improvements may seem small at first glance like gaining weight after working out regularly they're still worth celebrating because they mean progress toward health goals rather than stagnation without improvement toward anything worthwhile.

If you find yourself holding back in the bedroom, it's time to let go of that fear and celebrate what you do have. You're a person with desires, needs, and wants and they are all valid! It's okay if your body isn't perfect or doesn't look like someone else's (or even your own). Celebrate the fact that you have a body at all and learn how to take care of it so that it works for you instead of against you.

Conquer Your Fears: Embrace Courage and Transform Your Life

Sexy Lingerie

Fear is a powerful emotion. It can make you do things that are not in your best interests, and it can prevent you from doing things that are. Fear can also be a good thing; it keeps us safe and helps us avoid dangerous situations. However, there are times when fear causes us to act in ways that aren't helpful or healthy for our confidence levels.

For example, if someone has a phobia about heights and they're afraid of going up on a Ferris wheel at the county fair with their partner because they think it might make them feel nauseous or dizzy (which would lead them back down again), then this may hinder their experience as well as their ability to enjoy themselves fully with their partner during their date night out together!

Embrace Your Authentic Self

Black One True Love Bodystocking

The first step to learning how to love yourself in bed is accepting who you are, flaws and all. It's okay if your body isn't perfect, or if you have a weird habit that makes people laugh. You can't change these things about yourself, but you can learn how to embrace them and accept them as part of who you are.

This may sound like a simple concept but it's crucial for feeling confident in the bedroom because when we don't accept our bodies or minds as they are, we start judging ourselves harshly for not meeting some idealized version of ourselves (which doesn't exist). Instead of seeing what works well about yourself and focusing on those attributes when thinking about sex or intimacy with others, you'll focus instead on how "you're not good enough."

Confidence Is a Choice, Not an Outcome

Sexy Lingerie

Confidence is a choice, not an outcome. You can choose to be confident in the bedroom or you can choose to be nervous and scared. The choice is yours! Confidence isn't just about your body or how good you look, it's also about your mindset and how you think about yourself as a sexual being.

If you want more confidence in bed, then you must start thinking positively about sex and sexuality (and all of their associated parts). This means choosing narratives that support this idea of confidence over those that undermine it by focusing on fear or shame instead of joyous exploration in the bedroom with your partner(s).


Black Live for Tonight Shimmery Crotchless Fishnet Bodystocking 

Confidence is key to fulfilling and enjoyable sex life. If you're feeling self-conscious or insecure, there are a few things you can do to boost your confidence. First, don't compare yourself to others. Second, don't criticize your body. Your body is beautiful, just the way it is. Third, celebrate and appreciate what you do have.

You are a person with desires, needs, and wants, and they are all valid. Fourth, don't let fear guide your actions. Fear can be a powerful emotion, but it doesn't have to control you. Finally, learn to love yourself and accept that you are who you are. When you love and accept yourself, it shows in your confidence, and that confidence will be irresistible to your partner.

Shop these hot collections!

]]> 2022-04-08T11:30:00-05:00 2024-01-25T15:15:17-06:00 QUIZ: Find Your Bedroom Fantasy Jennifer Tiemeyer Some people have no problem coming up with the ultimate bedroom fantasy to make the night spicier but others not so much.  If you need some guidance on exploring your bedroom fantasies, we’ve got your back. We’ve created the perfect quiz to help you. Who knows? Your fantasy might not be as outlandish as you’d like to believe.


Like breathing and walking, sexual fantasies are a very big part of being human. In fact, according to a study by Dr. Lehmiller, 97% of people have a sexual fantasy. Of those people, over half have a different fantasy EVERY DAY.

Bedroom fantasies are normal and everyone has them because the truth is — nobody wants a boring experience in the bedroom!

bedroom fantasy

Bedroom fantasies can do a lot to amp up some excitement and thrill in our sex lives. Although some bedroom fantasies may be hard to realize, the use of lingerie can cover many of the bases in sexual fantasy, whether it be leather, lace, or a cheerleader costume.


Indulging in your bedroom fantasies can be easier said than done, and sometimes it isn’t always easy to decide on what to try—whether its bondage or cosplay. In fact, bondage is one of the top three bedroom fantasies that people have.


However, sometimes bedroom fantasies are just that—a fantasy—and they don’t need to be realized by the fantasizing party to be satisfying.

Some people have no problem coming up with the ultimate bedroom fantasy to make the night spicier, but others—not so much. No shame there!

If you need some guidance on exploring your bedroom fantasies, we’ve got your back. aysunpijama has created the quiz below to help open your mind. Who knows? Your fantasy might not be as outlandish as you’d like to believe.


]]> 2022-01-13T11:00:00-06:00 2024-01-25T15:56:30-06:00 7 Role Play Scenarios Your Partner Probably Fantasizes About eCommerce Cosmos  

role play scenarios


Role play scenarios are super fun, and they can be a great way to spice up your relationship.

If you've been wondering about the world of role play, and how to set up your own scenario, keep reading for some steamy role play ideas.


Role Play & "The Porn Gap"

Though we don't like to support stereotypes, what you've heard about men and pornography is true: Multiple studies have shown that a man is much more likely to watch porn than the woman in the relationship.

"The Porn Gap" means that men are often consuming this type of voyeuristic content while their female partners are not, thus resulting in skewed ideas of what a healthy sexual relationship might look like.

This might be why men and women might have different ideas about using role play scenarios in their relationship.

Think about it: What types of scenarios are shown in pornography? Themed sex scenarios, just like role playing with your partner, minus the romance.

Of course, porn actors will not have the same connection and intimacy that you and your partner have, so you can expect your role playing to be much more fulfilling than what happens on-screen.

We aren't saying you are expected to act like a porn star in the bedroom, but we do know that engaging in frisky fun is a great way to awaken new sexual desires for both parties. It can even make you more confident in the bedroom.


Related: Introducing Role Play in the Bedroom →

7 Sexy Role Play Scenarios & Examples To Try

These are some of the most-wanted role play scenarios out there.

If you're thinking about giving role play a try, consider buying costumes for the below role-play scenarios.


1. The Two Strangers Scenario

role play scenarios

There's just something so fun about coming onto your significant other in a bar when nobody knows you're together. It feels like taking your alter-ego out to play, and that's what makes this role play scenario so fun and popular.

Simply take on a new name, come up with a great backstory, and wait for your night of flirtation with a "stranger" to unfold. The best part is: You know you have someone to go home with.

Shop wigs for the ultimate alter-ego →


2. The Stripper Scenario

7 role play scenarios your man probably fantasizes aboutIs your partner highly visual when it comes to turn-ons? If you take on the role of a stripper and wear a sultry corset or lingerie set, your partner will have a hard time resisting you as you put on a show for them.

Have them "pay" you in some other way than cash to ensure you get enough pleasure out of the exchange as well. Don't forget to set the mood with lighting and music for a "show" they will never forget!


Related: Exotic Dance Wear for a Flashy Show →


3. The Plumber Scenario

role play scenarios

Perhaps inspired by porn (what role-play scenario isn't?), the plumber and housewife scenario doesn't require much other than a toolbelt.

You could play up the housewife role by wearing an apron when a sexy, shirtless plumber shows up at your door. We're willing to bet it shouldn't take too long for him to "fix" your leaky faucet.

Shop sexy lingerie →


4. The Cop & Criminal Scenario

7 role play scenarios your man probably fantasizes aboutThe cop-and-criminal scenario is as classic as they come, and for good reason. Being "bad" just feels so good.

You can lean a little into dominatrix play if you both discussed wanting to try it beforehand. Being "punished" for your actions as a criminal, and vice versa, can be really, really hot.

Shop sexy women's cop costumes →


5. The On-Camera Stars Scenario

role play scenarios

We said you didn't have to act like a porn star in the bedroom, but if you want to, that's another story.

Find your moment in the limelight by filming a sex tape with your lover. How you choose to "perform" is up to you.

Just remember to set rules/boundaries about privacy and where you will choose to store the video. Though a leaked sex tape worked out for Kim K., that doesn't mean it will for you. Keep your naughty adventures in private, and enjoy watching the video together.


Related: The Skinny on Men's Lingerie →


6. The Doctor & Nurse Scenario

7 role play scenarios your man probably fantasizes aboutAnother classic role play scenario, playing doctor and nurse never gets old.

Your partner can check your pulse and give you all kinds of other "inspections," and you can make sure that, as their nurse, they has everything they need. (Wink, wink).

You can't go wrong with the doctor and nurse role play scenario.

Shop sexy nurse costumes →


7. The Boss & Employee Scenario

role play scenarios

Let your partner take charge in the boss/employee role play scenario. You may be the hot secretary or the bad employee—either way, there's a good chance you've earned a spanking for something you did.

Play out this fantasy on a desk at home if you have one, or sneak into the office for a little rendezvous. 

Shop secretary costumes and glasses →


Ready to start role playing?

Shop all role play scenario costumes today and use code DIVA-BLOG15 at checkout for 15% off your order! (Minimum purchase of $25 required. Limit one per customer.) 

]]> 2021-07-21T00:00:00-05:00 2024-01-25T15:57:46-06:00 7 Foolproof Ways To Get Your Wife to Wear Sexy Lingerie Jennifer Tiemeyer 7 Foolproof Ways To Get Your Wife to Wear Sexy Lingerie


Marriage is a lifetime commitment, requiring two people in it for the long run. The period of courtship is exciting for the couple, and some people think that the romance will carry into their marriage without any extra effort.

Once you are married, though, you realize you have added responsibilities. Women specifically go through a lot of hardships when they become wives. Society expects them to handle family responsibilities whether or not they stay at home, and having children and doing house chores can take a toll on a woman's emotional and physical health.

If you want your wife to slip into sexy lingerie for a flirtatious romp, it is your responsibility as her husband to make her feel loved and sexy. The lingerie will come—we promise!

Here Are 7 Tips to Get Your Wife Into Sexy Lingerie:

1. Shower her with words of affirmation

7 Foolproof Ways To Get Your Wife to Wear Sexy Lingerie

Nothing gets women excited more than a well-timed compliment; your words can do a lot to get the confidence of your woman high.

If you realize that your spouse is having trouble loving and seeing herself as a sexy woman, you should go the extra mile to correct this problem.

Compliments work best when they are out of the blue, completely unexpected. If you tell her how sexy she looks, she will believe it and carry herself likewise. You can slowly start to drop hints that you love when she wears sexier clothing and eventually that sexy lingerie set you bought her.

Blue Sheer Desire Mesh Bra, Thong and Garter Set


Shop Blue Sheer Desire Mesh Bra, Thong and Garter Set →







2. Work out together

7 Foolproof Ways To Get Your Wife to Wear Sexy Lingerie


The only thing better than being told you look sexy is feeling like you are the most beautiful woman alive. As much as words can be powerful and affirming, they won’t do much if your lady doesn’t believe it.

Working out together will not only make both of you physically fit but it also works wonders on a person's body image and self esteem. Use it as an opportunity to spend time together with dates at the gym, and soon enough, you'll notice your wife feeling much more confident in the bedroom.

Related: Summer Date Ideas Whether It's Your 1st or 500th Date →

To get started working out together, take the pressure off by simply asking your wife to support you in your workout journey. Of course, a cute pair of joggers or sports bra always sweetens the deal—just saying!

3. Flirt hard

7 Foolproof Ways To Get Your Wife to Wear Sexy Lingerie


Sometimes, flirting loses its way in a marriage.

If you want your wife to wear lingerie in the bedroom, she might need a little motivation to do so. Flirting is an excellent way to set the mood.

Bring the butterflies back to your wife's stomach in a variety of ways—from what you say to physical touch. Flirt over a cup of coffee or through text messages.

Surprise her with flowers, new panties, or even a sweet note on the foggy mirror while she's in the shower.

She will feel loved and cherished and will go out of her way to dress just for you.

Related: 10 Ways to Woo Your Spouse →

4. Show your affection publicly

7 Foolproof Ways To Get Your Wife to Wear Sexy Lingerie


One of the things that might make your lady not feel sexy is if she does not feel you are proud of her. Displaying that you take pride in having her as your spouse in public can turn things around.

You can take her out to dinner or lunch and hold her hand. A gesture like posting her photo on Instagram or Facebook (on a day that's not her birthday or your anniversary) will do wonders. She will know your world revolves around her and do what she can to ensure you feel the same.

Since she understands you like her body, she will make an effort to show it off to you. Before you know it, your queen will start wearing sexy lingerie.

Electric Lace PJ Set


Shop Electric Lace PJ Set →







5. Ask her

7 Foolproof Ways To Get Your Wife to Wear Sexy Lingerie


Perhaps the most obvious thing that you may look down upon is merely asking your wife to wear lingerie. Easy, right?

This direct approach may seem unpopular at first, but it can yield excellent results. Just be sensitive about the words you choose, otherwise you could hurt your wife. Ask her in a loving manner and at the right time.

This direct approach will also show your wife that you still find her as attractive as you always have. Who knows, she might be totally into it and you could unlock a whole new level to your marriage!

6. Ignore other women

7 Foolproof Ways To Get Your Wife to Wear Sexy Lingerie


Yes, ignore them!

You might think that your wife does not notice when you recognize other attractive women on the streets or even on television. But the truth is, women can tell when they are not getting their partner's full attention, and it can turn them off quickly.

Let your wife know she is the center of your universe and that you only have eyes for her. Making her feel wanted could be asking her to model a new bra set or swimsuit for you.

It does not hurt to say that you prefer her over some of the women you see—she will likely reciprocate.

7. Give her gifts

7 Foolproof Ways To Get Your Wife to Wear Sexy Lingerie


Gifts are a classic way to woo your partner. Your wife will love any thoughtful gift that makes her feel loved, supported, or appreciated. The keyword here is "thoughtful."

If you decide to buy her lingerie, just make sure you get it in her favorite color and size. Otherwise, you could create issues by getting her something that shows you don't listen to her. Instead, you could buy yourself a sexy roleplay costume and act out one of her fantasies. 


Related: Introducing Role Play in the Bedroom →

Use the above tips and enjoy seeing your lovely wife in sexy lingerie and exploring new depths of your relationship.


Read the Ultimate Lingerie Buying Guide →


Shop Lingerie Deals of the Week! →

]]> 2021-03-17T13:14:09-05:00 2024-01-25T15:58:51-06:00 How to Get Your Wife in the Mood for the Bedroom Helen Lewis how to get your wife in the mood

Bedrooms are for a lot more than sleeping. But after couples get married, life happens, and getting in the mood for anything other than sleeping can be hard.

If you want to convince your partner that x’s and o’s are better than zzz’s, you may be at a loss for what to do. 

Don’t lose sleep over it. Or, rather—do lose sleep—but for the right reasons😉

This guide will help you out with 11 tips on how to get your wife in the mood for the bedroom. 

How to Get Your Wife in the Mood: 11 Tips For Turning Your Partner On  

1. Set the scene

how to get your wife in the mood

There’s no better way to get your wife in the mood than to set it. Walking into a romantic oasis will definitely turn her on—especially if it’s an unexpected but welcomed surprise. 

While you may be tempted to go for grand romantic gestures like sprinkling rose petals on your bed and lighting a dozen candles around the room, simple things like cleaning the space can be just as—if not more—effective. (Few women enjoy getting down-and-dirty in a space that is actually dirty!)

Add personal touches so she knows it’s a heartfelt gesture, not just sexually driven. Think about what kind of flowers she likes, her favorite scents, and maybe even place her favorite chocolate treat on her pillow.  

2. Be a Good Husband

How to Get Your Wife in the Mood

One of the hottest things a man can do is listen. A man who actually hears his partner is perceived as 1000 times sexier than one that doesn't. 

“Hearing” is about more than just the words that come out of her mouth—there are many nonverbal messages she might be sending you either intentionally or unintentionally (like not being in the mood for sex, for example).

Stress is a #1 sex-drive-killer.

Rev up her engine by anticipating her needs. You shouldn’t have to be reminded to do simple things, like doing the dishes or looking after the kids.

Man up and take some stress off your woman's plate and see how much more often she's in the mood for your manhood.

3. Set up a fantasy night

How to Get Your Wife in the Mood

Everyone has a certain sexual fantasy that really turns them on: whether they’ve acted it out or not.

If you haven't already, ask your wife if she has any naughty fantasies that she really wants to do with you. Or, surprise her with the fantasy scenario she mentioned years ago—she'll be even more tickled that you remembered. (Because listening is hot, remember?)

Set up a night for her with props, costumes, or whatever else you need. If you make her fantasy come true it will certainly be a happy ending for everyone. 😉

Related: Cosplay Lingerie Looks to take Your Partner to Another World 

4. Do the little things

how to get your wife in the mood

If you want a big night with your wife, then a great way to get her in the mood is by doing the little things. Going the extra mile in simple areas can help her feel appreciated and cared for.

It may not seem like there’s a connection between bringing your wife coffee in bed in the morning and her making you happy in bed later at night, but trust us, there is. 

If you want your marriage to sizzle, cook her favorite meal. Heat up her car on cold mornings. Buy her a pair of sexy panties for no reason at all. Put her favorite show on when you're cuddling on the couch. It’s the little things that really matter.


Related: 10 Sexy & Romantic Gifts for Your Partner


5. Buy her lingerie

how to get your wife in the mood

Getting your wife in the mood for the bedroom can be as easy as spending a few minutes on aysunpijama’s website.

Yes, your wife wearing lingerie is a turn-on for you, but believe it or not, it probably turns her on even more! Feeling super sexy and confident can really make a woman ready to rumble (between the sheets.

Whatever you pick out for her—whether it’s a matching bra and panty set, a comfortable babydoll, or a sexy bodysuit for the bedroomshe’ll feel gorgeous in something that makes her feel like a sex kitten.

Just like when you get a new car, when you get a new piece of lingerie, you immediately want to take it for a ride 😉

Related: Buying Lingerie 101

6. Gas her up!

How to Get Your Wife in the Mood

Everyone has a different love language, whether it’s acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, physical touch, or words of affirmation.

However, there’s probably no woman alive who doesn’t like to receive genuine compliments from her man. Let her know through the day how much you care about her.

Instead of a basic "you look nice today," take it up a notch with written words. Consider leaving nice notes around the house that she can find.

Oh, and if you bought her some lingerie? Make sure to gas her up when she slips into it! 

7. Buy yourself lingerie

how to get your wife in the mood

Who says lingerie is just for ladies? There’s nothing hotter than a man who’s confident enough to pull off lingerie.

Say goodbye to your ratty old boxers that do nothing for you and hello to sexy pieces that highlight your most important attributes 🍆🍑

Whether you are looking for boxers, thongs, or robes, there are endless ways to spice up your bedroom attire. Be as simple or as scandalous as you dare!

Also, consider checking out some sex toys that will heighten her pleasure. 

Related: Men's Lingerie Shopping Guide 

8. Don't forget date nights 

how to get your wife in the mood

When you’re a married couple, it can be hard to remember that you still need to set time aside to take each other on dates. Get your wife in the mood by setting up a sexy date that requires no planning effort on her part.

Consider eating a fancy dinner by a roaring fire, arranging for a bubble bath and wine night at home, or going out to see a live show.

If you pick something exciting like salsa dancing lessons, just make sure you both have enough energy left for the finale at home! 😉

Related: 14 Romantic & Unique Date Ideas 

9. Tease Her 

how to get your wife in the mood

When we were kids, if a boy teased a girl, it meant they liked them. The same thing is true now, but the teasing is very different! 

Tease your wife by flirting with her throughout the day, kissing her neck, slowly touching her. Then, stop before going too far.

You’ll drive her so crazy with lust by the time night rolls around, she’ll be more than ready for some fun in the bedroom.


10. Enjoy aphrodisiacs

how to get your wife in the mood

Turn your wife on by making a dinner that features only aphrodisiacs like chocolate, papaya, oysters, honey, and avocado. Complement the meal with some more potent aphrodisiacs like wine, and if you live in a state where it’s legal, weed. 

Not only will it make for a very romantic dinner, it will also make your wife lustful and in the mood for bedroom shenanigans.

11. Have a heart-to-heart with your wife

how to get your wife in the mood

If your wife really just isn’t in the mood for sex then something deeper may be going on.

Check-in with her to see how she's feeling and if she's struggling with anything. It will strengthen your relationship to listen to her and help her try to work through what she has going on. 

Use the above tips and some amazing lingerie to get your wife in the mood for the bedroom. Trust us, these tips will pay off in the best way possible!

→ Shop Sexy Lingerie

]]> 2020-10-22T10:56:08-05:00 2024-01-25T15:18:38-06:00 How to Be Better in Bed for Your Boyfriend Jennifer Tiemeyer How to Be Better in Bed for Your Boyfriend

So, you’re dating someone new and everything is super fun and exciting. We love to see it. Maybe you’re wondering how to be better in bed for your boyfriend? Everyone has their own sexual preferences, and setting those boundaries is important—especially at the beginning of your sexual relationship.

Knowing how to pleasure your partner is a big turn on—for both parties.

What can you do to keep that spark burning while also being your most confident and comfortable self?

If you're looking for some ways to turn up the heat, here are some ideas to be better in bed for your boyfriend or partner.

Related: 8 Foolproof Ways to Woo Your Spouse or Significant Other


3 Tips to be Better in Bed for Your Boyfriend

We want you to feel beautiful and radiate confidence when you're with your partner while also respecting his needs too. Hopefully these tips will help you to be better in bed for your boyfriend and feel amazing while doing it! 


How to Be Better in Bed for Your Boyfriend

1. Ask him what he likes!

It may feel awkward to just straight out ask your new flame what he’s into. That’s okay! Remember: consent is sexy.

You want your partner to be comfortable, while also doing things both of you will enjoy. We know—for more conservative types in the bedroom, it may feel a little taboo to ask what your partner wants, or if they’re okay with x,y,z.

Sex researcher Dr. Kristen Mark tells, “Talking about sex makes you feel vulnerable and most people think they may make their partner feel bad if they suggest something new."

However, setting these boundaries (and knowing when it's O.K. to break them😉) is necessary for you both to have the absolute best time in bed together.  Just remember to tell your partner what you like, too! Find the commonalities and go for it. You’ve got this.


2. Have an open mind.

No one wants to be shamed for what they’re into. When you ask your boyfriend how you can be better in bed or what he prefers, you open the floor for him to be vulnerable and honest with you. Kink-shaming isn’t the move, instead listen to what he says with an open mind and willingness to try new things in the bedroom.

Dr. Mark's research suggests that getting comfortable with trying new things will make sex better for both parties.

Her survey of 3000 participants aged 18 to 70-plus showed that most people found engaging in sexually adventurous behaviors—from masturbation, to voyeurism, using sex toys, and more—actually increased their sexual satisfaction as well as their partner's.

    Related: 7 Role Play Scenarios Your Man Probably Fantasizes About

    3. Empower your inner sex goddess.

    Taking care of your partner is one way to being better in bed, and the other half of this equation is you. Are you feeling comfortable and confident when it's time to get it on? 

    Self confidence is an underrated part of improving your sexual performance and desire. What makes you feel your sexiest and most irresistable? We suggest doing, or wearing, that thing.

    In our expeirence, the right lingerie can absolutely help get you —and your partner—in the mood. What do you like in bed, or what turns you on the most? What makes you feel like an absolute Siren? For some women, it's wearing a dainty lace bodysuit that highlights all the right places. For others, it could be a rainbow cosplay wig, your man's t-shirt, or a studded leather bra set.


    Related: 10 Erotic Lingerie Items Every Kink Lover Needs


    If you browse through, you’ll find something fit for every possible scenario. From Catwoman costumes to balconette bras to highlight your chest, there’s something for everyone. If you’re into it, he most likely will be, too.

    Finding the right lingerie could help you empower your inner goddess, reminding yourself you are confident and sexy. 


    How to Be Better in Bed for Your Boyfriend


    We hope these tips have given you some ideas on how to be better in bed for your boyfriend. You are partners in crime, and both of you deserve to have your desires fulfilled. Spice it up, while empowering yourself and being honest and vulnerable at the same time.


    Get Started:

    Shop Sexy Lingerie

    Shop Roleplay Costumes

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    ]]> 2018-08-21T11:43:00-05:00 2024-01-25T15:15:17-06:00 Introducing Role Play in the Bedroom eCommerce Cosmos introducing role play in the bedroom

    Maybe you’re serious about introducing roleplay in the bedroom, or you’re just toying with the idea.

    A lot of couples keep role-playing in the back of their minds, but many of them don’t feel comfortable trying it. A common misconception is that roleplay is cheesy, but if you approach it correctly, it doesn’t have to be played out like a low-budget porno (unless you’re into that kind of thing).

    The truth is, role-playing is fun! It can certainly help strengthen your relationship and help you feel closer to your partner. Plus, trying something new is a great way to grow in your sex life.

    There’s no reason your bedroom time should be stale, so if you’re hoping to spice things up a bit in the near future, here’s everything you need to know about introducing role play in the bedroom.


    5 Tips for Introducing Role Play in the Bedroom

    First, Brainstorm Scenarios

    One of the biggest hurdles couples face when trying to roleplay is the fact that they can’t come up with a fantasy scenario to reenact. This can be tough, especially if each of you has your own specific fantasy.

    A good way to work around differing ideas of role-playing can be to find middle-ground—a scenario both of you would be comfortable doing for the first time. You can always play out your specific fantasies later on, taking turns on whose fantasy you’re acting out.

    introducing role play in the bedroom

    Some sexy role-play scenarios could be the following:

    • Real estate agent and potential buyer
    • Stripper and patron
    • Flight attendant and guest
    • Personal trainer and client
    • Sports coach and athlete
    • Football player and fan or cheerleader
    • Santa Claus and a naughty girl
    • Doctor/nurse and patient
    • Princess and Prince Charming
    • Painter and muse
    • Construction worker and pedestrian
    • Masseuse and client
    • Butler or French maid and boss
    • Repairman and homeowner
    • Model and photographer
    • Delivery man and homeowner
    • Teacher and schoolgirl
    • Police officer and criminal
    • Your favorite movie (i.e. Danny and Sandy from Grease)
    • Fireman and damsel in distress
    • Strangers in a bar

    Is that enough to get you started?

    Of course, role-playing is completely dependent and every couple and what you are comfortable with. Feel free to get creative with your roleplay scenario so that it fits your fantasies.


    Related: 7 Role Play Scenarios Your Partner Probably Fantasizes About →


    Second, Talk It Out

    Once you’ve decided you’re ready to try role-playing, it’s time to bring up the idea to your partner.

    Have a few scenarios in mind that he or she may enjoy, and look for natural ways to weave the topic into conversation.

    introducing role play in the bedroom

    Some easy ways to start the role-play conversation:

  1. Find a natural segue in conversation. Perhaps you’re talking about a friend’s new job as a teacher. You can chime in with something like, “I’ve always thought you’d be a hot schoolgirl. Would you try on the outfit for me if bought it for you?” There are many ways to flatter your partner while also getting them turned on to the idea of role-playing.
  2. Text it. Sometimes, words are hard. If you’re not great at verbal conversation, don’t be afraid to text your partner your thoughts. Chances are, he or she will enjoy getting sultry messages while at work.
  3. Get dreamy. Another smooth way to test the waters is to say you had a dream about your partner in a certain fantasy. Tell him or her how hot it was and how you think it would be fun to try sometime.

  4. Hopefully, you’ll be able to get on-topic pretty easily. From there, ask your partner his or her sex scenario preferences.

    It’s important to show you care about his or her needs just as much as your own. Make it known that you’re in this together and no single person will be getting the better end of the stick—you scratch each other’s backs.

    Third, Plan Your Playtime

    When you’re both on board with some role-playing fun, it’s time to get the logistics handled. Based on the scenario you choose, you may want to purchase costumes or props.

    You can find some sexy men’s costumes and a ton of hot bedroom costumes for ladies at aysunpijama.

    Props are also great to add to the scene—they bring more fun and flirtatiousness! Think about what props might make sense for your role-play scenario… Handcuffs for a cop, stethoscope for a doctor/nurse, perhaps a whip for a naughty student? Some props may come as a set with your costume, but if you want to browse all your options, check out these bedroom accessories.

    introducing role play in the bedroom

    Related: Sexy Anime & Cosplay Costumes for Women →

    Besides looking and playing the part, the last phase of planning your roleplay is thinking about the location.

    Will you be at home in your bedroom, or should you find a more fitting location?

    If you choose to go the strangers-in-a-bar route, you will need to choose a bar and plan out what time you’ll be meeting each other. It is also helpful to start thinking about your character’s backstory before things get hot and heavy—you don’t want to be scrambling for ideas when you’re in the moment!

    Fourth, Set Boundaries

    Some role-play scenarios might require a little “punishment,” depending on your preferences. After deciding on your scenario, it’s imperative the two of you go over some ground rules and any boundaries.

    Tell your partner how far you’re willing to go. Establish a safe word. Be very clear about the situation so that nobody ends up feeling taken advantage of or mistreated.

    Fifth, It’s Go-Time

    When it’s time to do the deed, don’t spend your day worrying about it.

    Getting intimate with your partner should be a fun experience, so the minute you start stressing, just remind yourself to relax. The last thing you want is to be thinking too much when you’re in the moment acting out your fantasy.

    Don’t worry about whether or not you’re being awkward or if you’re saying the right thing. Instead, say what you feel and go with the flow.

    At the end of the day, role-playing is a very intimate connection between you and your partner, and chances are, he or she is not expecting you to give an Oscar-worthy performance.

    Just relax, turn on the charm, and have fun. You’ve got this!

    Start browsing role play costumes →


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