6 Foolproof Ways to Woo Your Spouse or Significant Other

July 29, 2023

woo your significant other


If you're reading this, chances are you want to impress your significant other and find new ways to keep the romance alive. Well, you've come to the right place! In this post, we'll discuss some simple but effective ways to show your partner you care. Sometimes, the little things make the most significant impact on a relationship, so let's dive in and discover ways to woo your significant other!

1.  Listening to Your Significant Other

Listen to your partner

There is a massive difference between listening to have a meaningful conversation and simply listening to respond. Of course, you want to be thinking about what you want to say, but you're not as sneaky as you think! No matter who you're talking to, if you don't want to be a part of the conversation, they will pick up on that.

If you don't want your partner to feel like they're talking to a cashier exchanging pleasantries, then actively listen to what they say. A great way to show your engagement in the conversation is by thinking about a question you can ask so they can elaborate further. If they're talking about how bad their day is, ask why and repeat some of the information they tell you with your response.

For example, "They were upset you were late? Why do they let John get away with it all the time when your the responsible one?" This can also be helpful in arguments. The other person will likely solve the problem with you if you repeat their side of the argument to show that you have considered their point of view. It will go a long way when you present your point of view.


Practice listening with these sexy games for couples!

2. Don’t Forget and Don’t Be Basic

Thoughtful gifts for significant other

It's 2023, and there is no reason to "forget" anything. If your person's birthday or anniversary is coming up, and you always forget, mark a notification on your calendar the day or week before. This way, you are never caught making the other person feel unimportant. Aside from reminders, you can also use your notes app on your phone to plan future gifts. You can always tell a well-thought-out gift compared to some flowers from Walmart.

A great way to prepare for gifts is to listen. Yes, it all comes back to paying attention to the other person! Next time you hear them talking about something they would love to buy but can't bring themself to make the purchase add it to your note app! When a special occasion pops up, you will have a custom list for your partner that isn't the same list posted on every Google page.

If your partner is raving about this new pair of shoes, make a note and get the shoe. Bonus points if it's a few weeks after they mention it. It will make them feel special and woo them with your superhuman ability to pay attention to those little details. So skip the basic Hallmark card and get them a unique gift on special occasions you no longer "forget." 


Give them a sexy gift they will always remember!

3. Share Hobbies From Time to Time

show your partner you care

Everyone has something they like to do, but others would rather avoid it at all costs. If your partner has an interest or hobby you don't like, try it anyway! They will feel special if they see you trying to learn more about the thing they love that you find tedious or complex. If your partner is interested in video games, but you hate them, why not give it a try? You could enjoy a great new world together.

You could learn how to beat them at a race game. If your significant other loves art, but you don't know where to start, then ask them to show you! They'll be excited to share their favorite hobby with you, and it will show them that you are interested in spending time together. Still not interested in working together on their hobby?

You can ask questions and let them explain them to you. When you ask passionate people questions about their interests, it helps inspire them and spark a good conversation. Are they interested in sports? Ask them which was their favorite game and why. It is the little things that have a massive impact.


If your lover is artistic try these body paints!

4. Be Respectful and Polite

tips for couples

Say please and thank you. It's easy to do, don't be an animal except in the bedroom. Say please if you need them to run to the store for you or wash dishes. Say, thank you when they do something nice, regardless of how small. Did they pick up something you dropped or tell you that you look nice today? Say, thank you. Having manners shows the other person that you respect them enough to use them.

Have you ever sat down on a date and the other person was smacking their food or scrapping the dinner plate? It's annoying, right? Being with your partner for a while doesn't give you the excuse to relax good manners to the point of being rude. It's one small way to show that you still care what they think and to show them respect.

Another way to show them that you care is not to interrupt them when they're talking and don't hold your phone in front of your face when they do. No one likes to talk to someone's forehead, and you can look at your phone after they finish the conversation. No text is more important than the one you love who is talking to you.


Give your partner your full attention with a sexy outfit!

5. Take Care of Yourself, and Don’t Be a Yeti


Just because you've been together years doesn't mean you should live in hoodies and skip a shower. Putting extra effort into your hygiene and style can show that you want to look nice for your partner. Everyone dresses up when they go out, but why not dress up at home occasionally just for your significant other?

Imagine washing dishes with simple makeup on and being told you look beautiful. Or when you take out the trash, your hair is styled excellently, and you're told you look handsome? If you look and feel good, it'll make your partner see how happy you are with them and that you want to look good not only for yourself but for them too.

This can be applied to sexy plans as well. If you know you're having intimate time later, take 20 minutes to shower and shave at least. It will make you feel more comfortable, and they'll feel special knowing you went through the trouble to look good just for them. If you want to be extra, find a sexy outfit to surprise them with or a sexy lingerie set in their favorite color!


Get ready for the best night ever with these sexy lingerie sets for men and women!

6. Never Stop Dating

never stop dating

Everyone says never to stop dating your significant other, but what does that mean? Simply put, you should go out and live a little. At least once a month, go on a date: no friends, kids, or anyone else. See a movie or go out to dinner. Dates don't have to be expensive, and many great ideas exist for date night. The point and date night is to work on your relationship and have fun.

It's one or two hours where you're not a mom or dad or talking about work, and the house is in chaos. It's 2 hours just for you and your significant other to talk, spend time together, and have a good time because when you make time for the other person, they feel special, bringing you closer together.

Don't let work and the constant duties of Parenthood keep you stretched thin and not be able to enjoy your significant other having good communication and spending quality time together can improve your overall family life as well, so think of the date as a bonus not only for yourself in your relationship but for your family as a whole.


Add some spice to date night with costumes!

The Takeaway

how to woo your partner

The most important thing to remember is to listen to your spouse and partner and try to understand their point of view. Sometimes it's hard being on the receiving end of a relationship, so finding the time to listen can go a long way toward helping strengthen your bond.

If you're feeling lost, start by changing one thing at a time, like making more eye contact or paying more attention to what they're saying. Small changes make the most difference overall! Even though it may seem like a "no-brainer," many of us forget to show our partners (or spouses) how much we genuinely love and care about them.

But these small gestures can go a long way, and improving any relationship is always possible if you put in the effort. The truth is that love doesn't just magically happen—it's a choice we must actively work to foster daily. And these steps will help you make it happen.

Shop the best lingerie sets for everyone here!

Marisa Wilson
Marisa Wilson

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